19 Credit Union Leagues Endorse interface.ai as the Preferred AI Vendor

Srinivas Njay

After a detailed evaluation process of numerous players in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) space, we are very excited to announce that 19 Credit Union Leagues & Associations (overseeing 23 states) have endorsed interface.ai as the preferred Artificial Intelligence vendor.

interface.ai will be working with the leagues and associations to help credit unions in these regions deploy Artificial Intelligence(AI) & kickstart their AI transformation journey.

                 CU Leagues & Associations endorsed interface.ai

More leagues are expected to endorse interface.ai in the coming days.

                States where interface.ai is the preferred vendor

interface.ai is already the preferred Artificial Intelligence vendor in 23 states, with more states expected to follow suit in the coming days.

interface.ai has already enabled 70+ credit unions in the United States to achieve greater efficiencies in their top-line and bottom-line while ensuring the best member experience.

You can learn more about how credit unions across the nation are benefiting from interface.ai’s Artificial Intelligence-powered solutions here.

Schedule a personalized demo to learn more about how your credit union can benefit from Artificial Intelligence using the link below

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Srinivas Njay

Founder & CEO at interface.ai