Features that Power an Intelligent Virtual Assistant

Context-aware, multi-turn conversations, with the help of integrated dynamic world models, packages, and contextual FAQ builders.

Your customers will love it when the assistant understands their needs.

Automated Conversation Management

Develop context-aware conversations with minimal effort

Let the interface platform provide powerful, context-aware, multi-turn conversation handling, so you can focus on designing the experience and fulfillment logic of each everyday banking task.

Intelligent Assistance Management

The best customer experience by combining virtual and human assistance

Intelligent Assistance Management helps converge a human to a conversation and a virtual assistant based on the triggers during end-user conversations. The AI assistant can be sentiment and tone aware to route conversations to Customer Support Agents.

Continuous Human Assisted Learning

Inbuilt continuous learning loop for the assistant

Human assisted learning helps the assistant learn continuously. User conversations can be annotated and used for learning, and pseudo-anonymizing and annotating user conversations uses both automated processes and human-in-the-loop. Machine learning models also help to suggest new experiences.

Integrated Dynamic World Models

Combine the normally separate language, data, and execution models

Integrated dynamic world models consist of data models, language models and execution models to power rich conversations. Data models help in input-query-ambiguity-resolution and inference of new knowledge and relationships. Language models with advanced natural language understanding also enable semantically defined language at a granular level.


Containers which logically group - Data, Language and Execution models

Create various assistants with speed and precision by logically grouping the models for reuse. Select or override existing models to enable AI assistant functionalities. Packages can be reused across assistants enabling you to rapidly create and deploy AI assistants with rich functionality.

Contextual FAQ Builder

Build powerful contextual conversations

Create rich multimedia responses for language and channels. With a quick and easy FAQ builder at its core, you can create and associate FAQs to build contextual conversations. The advanced FAQ builder enables you to create and associate FAQs with IDM or custom tags to power contextual conversations.

Advanced Natural Language Understanding Engine

Semantic Language Models to lend context to data models

An advanced NLU engine enables a high level of accuracy, provides coreference resolution models, and provides out-of-the box data parsers for a wide range of data. Financial institutions can achieve high accuracy easily for complex and domain specific queries by using semantic language models thus keeping data models in context of the user query. It also provides coreference resolution models which enable better understanding and appropriate responses to user queries.