COO of Great Lakes Credit Union Addresses U.S. Congressional Hearing on AI in Financial Services
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🚀 Listen to the on-demand stream of the U.S. Congressional hearing on AI Innovation in Financial Services. 🚀 We are excited to announce that Elizabeth Osborne, COO of Great Lakes Credit Union and… Named in Gartner Hype Cycle™ for Generative AI in Banking
Members Public has been named in the recent Gartner Hype Cycle for Generative AI in Banking, 2024. Recognized by customers, leading industry partners like Allied Solutions and CUNA Services, as well as Forbes Magazine, for…

How an AI Copilot Can Lift the Expertise of your Agents, Bankers, and Branch Staff
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What is an AI copilot? A copilot is a trusted expert that’s always at your side. In aviation, where the term originates, the copilot works as a team with the captain, communicating, coordinating,…

Why Banks and Credit Unions Need Specialized AI Providers with Domain Expertise to Capitalize on the Next Generation of Generative AI Agents
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In banking and financial services, staying ahead of technological trends is crucial. The next generation of generative AI agents, specifically designed as knowledge assistants, are about to revolutionize the way banks and credit…

Trusted AI: Bot Disclosure, Privacy, and Best Practices
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The use of and trust in AI go hand-in-hand. As financial institutions harness the power of conversational AI to transform self-service, it’s important to prioritize advanced security and privacy controls to ensure its…

Did You Expect Live Chat to Reduce Call Volumes? Think Again
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In the dynamic landscape of financial services, financial institutions constantly seek innovative ways to enhance customer experience and operational efficiency. A popular strategy has been the adoption of live chat systems, which is…

Srinivas Njay

Latest Advancements In AI & What’s In It For Financial Institutions
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized numerous industries, and the financial sector is no different. With its ability to enhance customer experiences and optimize operations, AI has become a game-changer for financial institutions. In…

Breaking the Chain: Why Your AI Strategy Shouldn’t be Tied to Your Channel Vendor
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As technology continues to advance, one thing becomes clearer each day – AI is not just a complementary software that can be added to your banking channels. Instead, AI is a powerful tool…

Srinivas Njay