Kate Rogerson

Facing High Call Center Attrition? Here’s How to Retain Your Best Talent
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Call center attrition in North America is shockingly high. The pandemic triggered a wave of resignations across industries and roles, with customer service and support being particularly hard-hit. Unfortunately, this doesn’t appear to…

Kate Rogerson
AI Call Center for Banking

Want to Train an AI Chatbot in Minutes, not Months? interface.ai Instantly Transforms your Existing Content into Customizable GenAI Interactions
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Financial services are under immense pressure to deploy AI, but there are two common , interrelated challenges that they’re facing – the time it takes to train an ai chatbot balanced with optimal…

Kate Rogerson
AI Banking
interface.ai Launches Industry-First GenAI Native Spanish Voicebot

interface.ai Launches Industry-First Spanish GenAI Voice Banking Assistant
Members Public

Leader in conversational AI advances telephone banking with the industry’s first GenAI-powered multilingual voicebot. Since its inception in 2015, interface.ai has consistently led the development of AI for financial services. With this mission…

Kate Rogerson
AI Banking
deepfake voice

Combating Deepfake Voice: interface.ai’s Pioneering Authentication Approach
Members Public

Deepfakes may have initially gained notoriety through manipulated celebrity videos, but it has since crossed into far more dangerous territories – particularly for financial services. The threat of deepfake voice to financial services…

Kate Rogerson
AI Banking
ROI from AI

Maximizing ROI from AI Investments: interface.ai’s Recommendations for Banks & Credit Unions
Members Public

Gartner predicts that 30% of Generative AI (GenAI) projects will be abandoned after proof of concept by the end of 2025. This leaves the financial services industry at a critical juncture. While most…

Kate Rogerson
AI Banking
voice authentication

A New Era of Voice Security: Vital Voice Authentication for Banking in 2024
Members Public

There’s no doubt that cyber threats targeting financial services are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Fraud, identity theft, and data breaches are rampant – and costly. According to a recent report by IBM, financial organizations…

Kate Rogerson
AI Banking