Why Financial Institutions Are Moving to Intelligent Virtual Assistants from Outsourced Call Centers
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Why are AI-based Intelligent Virtual Assistants Better for Financial Institutions For banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions, providing high-quality customer support is essential for building and maintaining customer relationships. Traditionally, overflow contact…

Srinivas Njay
AI Banking

Active Voice Or Passive Voice Authentication – Which is Best for your FI?
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Technologies that minimize operational inefficiencies while enhancing customer service are becoming increasingly crucial for  financial institutions. Voice authentication is one such solution that uses advanced security measures to combat fraud while also improving…

AI Banking

19 Credit Union Leagues Endorse interface.ai as the Preferred AI Vendor
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After a detailed evaluation process of numerous players in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) space, we are very excited to announce that 19 Credit Union Leagues & Associations (overseeing 23 states) have endorsed interface.ai…

Srinivas Njay

Should your Financial Institution Add AI Before Launching Digital Customer Service?
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Introduction to Digital Customer Service Today, end consumers prefer to interact with friends, family, and colleagues over digital channels rather than traditional channels. These consumers expect to interact with businesses in the same…

Srinivas Njay
AI Banking

Actionable Insights on How AI is Transforming Call Centers
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With the ever-growing and doubling call volumes in the industries – the need for modern and automated solutions like Artificial Intelligence (AI) is more important than ever. As the COVID-19 virus descended in…

AI Call Center for Banking

How Can Conversational AI Humanize the Digital Banking Experience?
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Digital banking has been around for a while – to keep at par with the growing customer demands and meet the expectations of digitally-savvy customers. Especially the post-pandemic period has seen many banks…

AI Banking

How Can Call Centers Improve Operations by Implementing AI?
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The cutting-edge technology—Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have impacted several industries and their processes, including banks, HR processes, hospitals, and many more. Gartner suggests that 37% of organizations have globally implemented…

AI Call Center for Banking

3 Ways Conversational AI Can Be Used to Improve Banking Customer Service
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Delivering an interactive and engaging customer support service is one of the topmost priorities of any business. With the ever-growing customer expectations, brands and businesses are under pressure to create and deliver super-personalized…

Conversational AI