Security & Compliance

Unlocking the Future: Unleashing the Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Banking. Dive into the dynamic world of AI and its game-changing impact on the banking sector. From personalized customer experiences to fraud detection, witness how this groundbreaking technology is reshaping financial services for a smarter, more secure future.

Responsible by Design – 5 Foundations of Responsible AI in Financial Services
Members Public

The banking industry has more potential than any other to benefit from AI and Generative AI, according to Accenture’s latest AI report. And yet with this great promise comes ethical, compliance, and security…

Kate Rogerson
AI Call Center for Banking

Navigating Banking Compliance Regulations: How Complies with “Time is Money” Initiative
Members Public

The Biden-Harris administration’s “Time is Money” initiative targets companies that waste consumers’ time and money through inefficient practices, poor chatbot experiences, and frustrating ‘doom loops’.’s solutions are already fully compliant with these…

Kate Rogerson
AI Banking
deepfake voice

Combating Deepfake Voice:’s Pioneering Authentication Approach
Members Public

Deepfakes may have initially gained notoriety through manipulated celebrity videos, but it has since crossed into far more dangerous territories – particularly for financial services. The threat of deepfake voice to financial services…

Kate Rogerson
AI Banking
voice authentication

A New Era of Voice Security: Vital Voice Authentication for Banking in 2024
Members Public

There’s no doubt that cyber threats targeting financial services are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Fraud, identity theft, and data breaches are rampant – and costly. According to a recent report by IBM, financial organizations…

Kate Rogerson
AI Banking

Trusted AI: Bot Disclosure, Privacy & Best Practices
Members Public

The use of and trust in AI go hand-in-hand. As financial institutions harness the power of conversational AI to transform self-service, it’s important to prioritize advanced security and privacy controls to ensure its…
Conversational AI

Worried about Deep Fake Voice? Embrace Voice Biometrics for Unrivalled Security
Members Public

The era of deep fake voices, manipulative enough to trick an individual into believing that they are interacting with a known entity, has become a national concern. This situation is particularly alarming for…
Security & Compliance

Active Voice Or Passive Voice Authentication – Which is Best for your FI?
Members Public

Technologies that minimize operational inefficiencies while enhancing customer service are becoming increasingly crucial for  financial institutions. Voice authentication is one such solution that uses advanced security measures to combat fraud while also improving…
AI Banking

Introducing Voice & Caller ID Based Authentication For Your Customer Calls
Members Public

Financial Institutions have always been in a dilemma of either choosing to offer the best customer experience or the highest safety standards. is permanently putting an end to this dilemma by introducing…
Security & Compliance